• Medial Arch Suspender

  • A patented innovation* provides an adjustable lifting strap under the talo-navicular joint to resist collapse of the medial arch as well as eversion of the ankle and hindfoot. This modification is indicated for severe PTTD and severe pronation disorders of the hindfoot.

  • Lateral Arch Suspender

  • A patented innovation* provides an adjustable lifting strap under the calcaneal-cuboid joint to resist inversion of the ankle or hindfoot. This modification is indicated for Peroneal Tendinopathy as well as Varus deformity of the ankle and hindfoot.

    *US Patent No. 6,602,215

  • Indications

    • Moderate to Severe PTTD
    • Stage II of III PTTD with subluxed T-N Joint

    Restricted Hinge Pivot:
    A more rigid ankle articulation restricts ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion to a range under 5 degrees without disrupting a smooth contact and heel rise phase of gait. This model is suited for treatment of severe PTTD, mild dropfoot (also referred to as Foot Drop and Drop Foot conditions as well as degenerative arthritis of the ankle and hindfoot.


    • DJD of Ankle or rearfoot
    • Drop Foot - Mild
    • Dropfoot with equinus
    • Stable Knee
  • For more information on the Richie Brace product lines, please use our Contact form